My daughters 1st flight – Local to the South East and Circuits at Biggin HIll

Monday 10th October was my Birthday, so I thought it would be a great time to take my 2 and half year old daughter for her first flight in my plane (G-BRAK) with my Wife sitting by her side.

We were welcomed at Biggin Hill with heavy rain which then turned into a hail storm. After a delay of around 40 minutes waiting for it to pass and then refuelling the Cessna 172. we managed to get in the air.

Departing from runway 03, our route took us via the usual VRP at Sevenoaks. We intended to head towards Maidstone and Leeds Castle, but some heavy rain and rather angry looking CB clouds forced us to divert towards the South passing over Tunbridge Wells and Bewl Water where the weather was slightly more amenable.

Unfortunately my daughter only made it as far as Tonbridge before falling asleep after a tiring morning of playing at pre-school, so we decided to head back to Biggin Hill for a few circuits.

After 2 touch and goes, we decided to land just as the sun had started to set.

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Unfortunately, my voice recorder failed just before departure, so there is no ATC and cockpit audio in the video 🙁

Watch the video on my YouTube channel:


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